Crunchyroll announced that Season 3 of the TV anime adaptation of Yoshinobu Akita and Yuuya Kusaka's Sorcerous Stabber Orphen (Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi) light novel series will be joining their Winter 2023 anime season lineup in January.
The third season is titled Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi: Urban Rama-hen (Urban Rama Arc).
From Studio DEEN (Fate/stay night) comes a remake celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series! Orphen is a powerful sorcerer who is notoriously lazy. Everything changes when he finds a way to save his sis, who was turned into a dragon during their days at magic academy. Betrayed by friends who refused to help, Orphen will stop at nothing to track her down, even if he has to go it alone.
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Urban Rama Arc is set to premiere in January 2023.
The anime's returning main cast includes:
Shotaro Morikubo as Orphen
Rumi Ohkubo as Cleao
Yusuke Kobayashi as Majic
Marie Mizuno as Volkan
Mai Fuchigami as Dortin
Shotaro Morikubo as Orphen
Rumi Ohkubo as Cleao
Yusuke Kobayashi as Majic
Marie Mizuno as Volkan
Mai Fuchigami as Dortin
New Season 3 Cast:
Daisuke Ono as Ed
Shiki Aoki as Lottecia
Takayuki Hamana is returning from the first two seasons to direct the new season at Studio DEEN, but Kenji Konuta is replacing Reiko Yoshida for series composition. Yoko Kikuchi and Rio are returning from the second season as the character designers, and the new CG director is Shinsuke Oshima. Shinnosuke is again composing the music.