The official website for the TV anime adaptation of Saizō Harawata and Miyakokasiwa's Deatte 5-byō de Battle (Battle in 5 seconds after meeting.) manga has released the anime's first teaser PV and key visual. The main cast, main staff, and theme song information are also revealed.
Kitō is performing the opening theme song titled, "No Continue."
Ayumu Murase as Akira Shiroyanagi
Aimi as Yūri Amagake
Mayumi Shintani as Mion
Kazuya Nakai as Madoka Kirisaki
Yūichi Nakamura as Shin Kumagiri
Miyuri Shimabukuro as Ringo Tatara
Akari Kitō as Yan
Kitō is performing the opening theme song titled, "No Continue."
The unit "15-sai to Seiko Ōmori" is performing the ending theme song titled, "Makeibe Jikkyō Play" (Let's Stream a Playthrough of the Bad Ending).
Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting premiere July 12.
The main cast of the anime includes:
Ayumu Murase as Akira Shiroyanagi
Aimi as Yūri Amagake
Mayumi Shintani as Mion
Kazuya Nakai as Madoka Kirisaki
Yūichi Nakamura as Shin Kumagiri
Miyuri Shimabukuro as Ringo Tatara
Akari Kitō as Yan
Meigo Naito is serving as chief director, and Nobuyoshi Arai is directing the anime at the animation studios Synergy SP and Vega Entertainment. Shogakukan Shueisha Production and Studio A-Cat are producing, and Studio A-Cat is handling the CG animation. Touko Machida is in charge of the series scripts. Tomokatsu Nagasaku and Ikuo Yamakado are designing the characters.