The official website for Kyoto Animation's Free! anime franchise has released a new teaser promotional video. The PV announces that the anime's new film will premiere sometime in 2021.
"Haruka Nanase: his challenge on the world begins ...."
The film was originally set to premiere in 2020 to coincide around the time of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
The new film will show Haruka and his teammates, Ikuya and Rin, take on the world stage, which is something he's never done before.
"Haruka Nanase: his challenge on the world begins ...."
The film was originally set to premiere in 2020 to coincide around the time of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
The new film will show Haruka and his teammates, Ikuya and Rin, take on the world stage, which is something he's never done before.