Shogakukan's Manga ONE app debuted Bana Yoshida and Yūki Yaku's spinoff manga for Yūki Yaku's Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki (Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun) light novel series, titled Nanami Minami wa Kagayakitai (Minami Nanami wishes to shine). Yūki Yaku is writing the manga's original story.
The manga focuses on the character Minami Nanami, one of the heroines of the novel series, and a popular, talented, and athletic girl who is constantly second place to Aoi.
Yen Press publishes the novels in English, and describes the story as:
Tomozaki is one of the best gamers in Japan, and in his opinion, the game of real life is one of the worst. No clear-cut rules for success, horribly balanced, and nothing makes sense. But then he meets a gamer who's just as good as him, and she offers to teach him a few exploits…
The manga focuses on the character Minami Nanami, one of the heroines of the novel series, and a popular, talented, and athletic girl who is constantly second place to Aoi.
Yen Press publishes the novels in English, and describes the story as:
Tomozaki is one of the best gamers in Japan, and in his opinion, the game of real life is one of the worst. No clear-cut rules for success, horribly balanced, and nothing makes sense. But then he meets a gamer who's just as good as him, and she offers to teach him a few exploits…
『弱キャラ友崎くん』スピンオフ漫画『七海みなみは輝きたい』7/18日0時よりマンガワンにて連載開始!原作者・屋久ユウキ氏書き下ろしシナリオを、吉田ばな氏が圧倒的筆致でコミカライズ!みみみファン必見の新連載をお見逃しなく!マンガワンはコチラから→— サンデーGX編集部 (@SundayGX) July 17, 2020