The official website for the anime film adaptation of Natsuki Kizu's Given manga has revealed the film's new premiere date after delays due to COVID-19.
The film was originally set to premiere on May 16, 2020, but was delayed due to COVID-19. The film's new premiere date is August 22, 2020.
centimillimental will return to perform the film's theme song.
BLUE LYNX is producing the film.
The TV anime focused on high school students Ritsuka and Mafuyu, but the film focuses on the adult band members Haruki, Akihiko, and Ugetsu.
The TV anime's cast members are returning to reprise their roles for the film.
The film was originally set to premiere on May 16, 2020, but was delayed due to COVID-19. The film's new premiere date is August 22, 2020.
centimillimental will return to perform the film's theme song.
BLUE LYNX is producing the film.
The TV anime focused on high school students Ritsuka and Mafuyu, but the film focuses on the adult band members Haruki, Akihiko, and Ugetsu.
The TV anime's cast members are returning to reprise their roles for the film.
The key visual shows the four members of Given and Ugetsu standing in the midst of the city where night and morning are intersecting, representing the theme for the film, "Night is dawning."
Haruki and Akihiko are in the center, with Ugetsu standing between them, symbolizing the relationship between the three of them.
Director: Hikaru Yamaguchi
Script: Yuniko Ayana
Character Designs: Mina Osawa
Sound Director: Hiromi Kikuta
Composition: Michiru
Production: BLUE LYNX