Futabasha premiered the first episode of the second mini-anime net series adaptation for Moe Fujisaki's Fudanshi Shōkan: Isekai de Shinjū ni Hameraremashita (Fudanshi Summoning: I Got Laid by a Divine Beast on an Alternate World) manga. The new anime celebrates the release of the manga's fourth volume on November 10.
Takuya Eguchi voices Wu and Makoto Furukawa voices Kagetora.
A new episode will premiere every Wednesday for the next two weeks, with a total of three episodes.
Kotone is a fudanshi. One day while he was buying BL manga outside of a manga stand, a truck loses control and kills him with BL manga all over him. To his surprise, he wakes up in an Asian ancient-looking palace. A man named Nagi, that is half serpent, tells him that he is now his Miko. They need to have sex in order for Nagi to become a higher being and become a Dragon. Kotone knows everything about BL and he realizes that he will be the bottom. Kotone will use his knowledge of BL to not fall in love and not a bottom in this Isekai world.
Takuya Eguchi voices Wu and Makoto Furukawa voices Kagetora.
A new episode will premiere every Wednesday for the next two weeks, with a total of three episodes.