Shueisha's Shonen Jump+ website has debuted Akira Amano's new manga titled Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri (Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deduction). The manga is a mystery series that tells the story of a unique detective named Ron Kamonohashi and the naive police inspector Totomaru Isshiki.
This unusual duo brings the hidden truth into the light! Ron Kamonohashi, a private investigator with serious issues, and Totomaru Ishiki, a pure-hearted but dim police detective, team up to solve the most baffling mysteries!
This unusual duo brings the hidden truth into the light! Ron Kamonohashi, a private investigator with serious issues, and Totomaru Ishiki, a pure-hearted but dim police detective, team up to solve the most baffling mysteries!