The official website for the TV anime adaptation of Shin Kouduki and Chocoan's Dekisokonai to Yobareta Moto Eiyū wa, Jikka Kara Tsuihōsareta node Suki Katte ni Ikiru Koto ni Shita (The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases) light novel series has released three new cast announcements.
The opening theme song titled, "Evolve" will be performed by Shōta Aoi.
Kazuomi Koga is directing the anime at Studio DEEN and Marvy Jack. Rintarou Ikeda is in charge of the series scripts, and Yoshiki Ōkusa is writing the scripts. Saori Hosoda is designing the characters. Kei Haneoka is composing the music.
The series centers around the life of Allen, a young man ostracized from his ducal household due to his perceived lack of special abilities. In this world, upon reaching adulthood, individuals are bestowed “blessings and gifts from the gods” which shape the trajectory of their lives. However, Allen, failing to manifest any such powers, is scorned and ridiculed, leading to his exile.
In his new lifestyle, Allen seeks the serenity and tranquility that eluded him in his past, moving to a remote land to escape societal pressures and expectations. But unbeknownst to all, Allen carries with him the memories and powers from his past life as a hero. His new journey in search of peace is imbued with the wisdom and abilities of his heroic past.
The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases is set to premiere in April 2024.
Takehito Koyasu as Craig
Ryota Ohsaka as Brett
Kōki Koyasu as Curtis
Shōta Aoi has been cast as the protagonist Allen.
Minami Kurisaka as Riese
Akari Kitō as Anriette
Sora Amamiya as Noel
Aimi as Mylene
Megumi Han as Beatrice
Mariya Ise as Akira
Megumi Han as Beatrice
Mariya Ise as Akira
In his new lifestyle, Allen seeks the serenity and tranquility that eluded him in his past, moving to a remote land to escape societal pressures and expectations. But unbeknownst to all, Allen carries with him the memories and powers from his past life as a hero. His new journey in search of peace is imbued with the wisdom and abilities of his heroic past.