Futabasha premiered the first episode of the fifth mini-anime net series adaptation for Moe Fujisaki's Fudanshi Shōkan: Isekai de Shinjū ni Hameraremashita (Fudanshi Summoning: I Got Laid by a Divine Beast on an Alternate World) manga. The new anime celebrates the release of the manga's seventh volume which was released on May 10.
Returning cast includes Haruki Ishiya as Kotone Aizuhara and Takuya Satō as Nagi. New cast members include Kazuya Ichijō as Jiru and Haruna Mikawa as Yua.
A new episode will premiere every Wednesday for the next two weeks, with a total of three episodes.
Kotone is a fudanshi. One day while he was buying BL manga outside of a manga stand, a truck loses control and kills him with BL manga all over him. To his surprise, he wakes up in an Asian ancient-looking palace. A man named Nagi, that is half serpent, tells him that he is now his Miko. They need to have sex in order for Nagi to become a higher being and become a Dragon. Kotone knows everything about BL and he realizes that he will be the bottom. Kotone will use his knowledge of BL to not fall in love and not a bottom in this Isekai world.
Returning cast includes Haruki Ishiya as Kotone Aizuhara and Takuya Satō as Nagi. New cast members include Kazuya Ichijō as Jiru and Haruna Mikawa as Yua.
A new episode will premiere every Wednesday for the next two weeks, with a total of three episodes.